Zinc Zinc, although contained in the human body in minimal amounts, takes part in a huge number of reactions and is one of the flagships of human antioxidant protection. The pharmaceutical industry consumes about 10% of all zinc produced – mainly in the form of zinc oxide, which is widely used in various creams, ointments and tonics to relieve inflammation, redness and dry weeping wounds. And with the famous pharmacy talker, perhaps everyone who has passed the test of chickenpox is familiar. With the help of zinc, about 400 different chemical reactions take place in our body. Moreover, the highest concentration of zinc is found in the prostate and seminal fluid, which is why zinc is so important for men’s health. With the help of zinc, about 400 different chemical reactions take place in our body. Moreover, the highest concentration of zinc is found in the prostate and seminal fluid, which is why zinc is so important for men’s health. Oysters are considered the record holder for zinc content – and it is to zinc that they owe the title of the most important aphrodisiac. Until the infamous 2019, the role of zinc was not so significant, but with the onset of the pandemic, its antioxidant properties have become more in demand than ever. Together with vitamin C and D3, they formed the so-called anti-covid triad and helped save many lives. Now the benefits of zinc are undeniable and jars with a microelement have taken their rightful place on the shelves of people who care about their health. Zinc deficiency is not so easy to determine, and only a specialist can do this based on blood and serum tests, as well as on the content in the hair. It is by these three parameters that one can assess the need for taking high dosages of zinc. In the absence of a pronounced deficiency, zinc can be taken on a daily basis. In general, it is quite difficult to get an overdose of zinc. Such situations are possible, as a rule, only with prolonged contact with zinc, with its inhalation, which occurs in production. However, symptoms such as asthenia, feeling tired and weak, hair loss, problems with libido or potency, blurred vision may indicate a lack of zinc as well. The best absorption of zinc is provided by the citrate form, which is suitable for people of all ages and compensates for the deficiency of this trace element. Our products contain zinc in Zinc Citrate and Marine Collagen. Shop Now