Extra Youth

د.إ 220.00

In Stock

for best result, you must take the full course ( 3 Jars )

Extra Youth

  • Slows down the aging process in the body, allowing you to look younger
  • Maintains the beauty of skin, nails, hair Supports bone density
  • Returns a good mood and allows you to stay in active physical shape
  • Helps reduce symptoms such as sweating, hot flashes, irritability


Extra Youth

Extra Youth: the first and only* antioxidant from sea urchin caviar – rejuvenates the body,  normalizes hormonal balance, restores calcium metabolism. It will help every woman look young and attractive, regardless of her biological age .

The ingredients in the composition of Extra Youth help slow down the aging process of the body, improve well-being and appearance.

More than 70 ingredients in the composition of Extra Youth are involved in the regulation of the hormonal balance of a woman, which directly affects her sexual attractiveness and prolongation of youth, prevent “stagnation” of blood and thrombosis, improving the performance of the blood coagulation system, stimulate the function of the gonads, supporting women’s health in general. They support the function of the nervous, immune systems, skin condition, help reduce anxiety and irritability, improving the quality of life.

Sea urchin caviar – “elixir of youth”:

  • powerful natural antioxidant – free radical scavenger
  • slows down the aging process in the body
  • enhances the regeneration of skin cells, improves its tone, stimulates the formation of collagen, improving the appearance
  • has a positive effect on the sexual and psycho-emotional sphere

Dietary fibers of calcium alginate help to bind and remove toxic heavy metals from the body and help cleanse the body of cholesterol, allergens, toxins, free radicals, which directly contributes to the rejuvenation of the body. Also, they are a source of bioavailable calcium,  regulate its metabolism, preventing leaching from bones.

Rose hips  – a source of flavonoids and vitamin C – provide strengthening of blood vessels and reduce the symptoms of rosacea.


sea ​​urchin caviar, calcium alginate, rose hips.


Extra Youth


Contraindications for use:  individual intolerance to dietary supplement components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Shelf life : 2 years. Store in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0 to 22ºС.

dietary supplement. Is not a medicine.


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