Calcium, magnesium, D3

د.إ 130.00

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Calcium, magnesium, D3 is recommended for:

  • Replenishment of calcium deficiency
  • Increasing bone density, preventing osteoporosis
  • Strengthening the nervous system
  • Support for the endocrine and immune systems


Calcium, magnesium, D3

Calcium, magnesium, D3: Indicated for use with:

  • Deficiency of Calcium, magnesium, D3
  • Comprehensive care for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, fractures, injuries, etc.)
  • Caries and tooth decay
  • Cramps in the calf muscles
  • Weakness, chronic fatigue and decreased performance
  • Increased mental stress
  • Sleep disorders
  • Chronic fatigue and apathy

Calcium, magnesium, D3

The course use of the complex improves the condition of bones and tooth enamel, eliminates muscle spasms and increased vascular tone, has a powerful antioxidant effect and slows down the aging of the body, and also stimulates the active production of collagen to improve the condition of skin, hair, nails.


  • It is the structural material from which teeth and bones are formed. Every year, 20% of bone tissue is renewed in the body of an adult, for this calcium is needed in sufficient quantities, as well as magnesium and vitamin D3, which create optimal conditions for its absorption.
  • In addition to affecting the skeletal system, calcium is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and muscles, with its deficiency, cramps and numbness of the fingers can occur.
  • Calcium normalizes the processes of blood coagulation, helps to reduce the level of “bad cholesterol” and increases the protective immune potential of the body.
  • Replenishment of calcium in the body is necessary to prevent osteoporosis, protect teeth from destruction, and also increase bone density, which becomes more fragile with age.


Magnesium is an important microelement for the whole organism and the absorption of calcium in particular, indirectly stimulating the growth of bone tissue. Magnesium is responsible for the absorption of calcium from food and its entry into the bone tissue: without them, the musculoskeletal system will not be able to function properly. Lack of magnesium provokes an increase in the level of calcium in the blood, causing increased blood clotting and other health problems.

Also, magnesium strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalizes the central nervous system, improves sleep, reduces the frequency of headaches, reduces irritability and has a pronounced anti-edematous effect.

Vitamin D3:

A couple of decades ago, vitamin D was considered a nutrient necessary only for the normal development of the skeleton and teeth. However, scientists have proven that the “sunshine vitamin” is responsible for the viability of the immune system, activating protective cells to search for and destroy viruses and bacteria.

In addition, vitamin D is involved in the synthesis of the hormone of joy and pleasure – dopamine, preventing apathy, bad mood and even depression in the elderly.

The optimal level of vitamin D helps to cope with increased mental tasks, improves memory and concentration, being an indispensable support for schoolchildren, students and knowledge workers.

By maintaining the required level of calcium in the blood, vitamin D helps the nervous system to work without interruption, and the muscles to maintain strength and tone.

It is impossible not to note its role in maintaining hormonal status. Vitamin D regulates blood sugar and insulin levels, and also stimulates the production of estrogen in women, increasing the likelihood of conception.

And, finally, vitamin D, having a high antioxidant potential, slows down the aging process of the body, providing active longevity and high energy potential.

Active ingredients

 Content per daily serving (2 capsules) mg

% of recommended intake







   Vitamin D3

400 IU


Calcium, Magnesium, D3


Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Storage conditions:  Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

Shelf life – 2 years


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