Japanese kelp

د.إ 120.00

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One of the best sources of organic iodine for endocrine, reproductive and nervous system support

  • Eliminates iodine deficiency (1)
  • Supports hormonal balance (2,3)
  • Normalizes the metabolic rate (4) 
  • 1 capsule of Japanese kelp contains the recommended daily dose of iodine from seaweed – 1000 mcg


Japanese kelp

Japanese kelp is recommended for:

  • elimination of iodine deficiency in hypothyroidism, living in regions with iodine deficiency;
  • supporting the level of thyroid hormones;
  • to support the female body during the period of menstruation, to normalize the menstrual cycle, in preparation for pregnancy and during it, during hormonal changes (cessation of breastfeeding, perimenopause, menopause), to support women’s health at any age;
  • improves general well-being, mood, memory, helps to cope with drowsiness, stress, lethargy.
  • improve appearance: eliminates dry skin and improves the quality and density of hair;
  • lowering the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis;
  • reduce blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • increase in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells;
  • normal bowel function (stimulates its motility, thereby gently relieving constipation);
  • cleansing the body of radionuclides, heavy metals and toxins;

Biologically active substances in the composition of kelp are actively involved in the formation of hormones and enzymes that regulate the work of all organs of our body, prevent inflammation and the development of various diseases.

Main bioactive substances

Composition, % Composition, mg
Alginates 26% 130
Free amino acids 10% 50
Mannitol 13% 65
Fucoidan 3% 12.5
Minerals (potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, calcium, iron) 20% one hundred
Iodine 0.22% 1.1
Lipids (omega 3) 2% 10


Iodine :

in kelp is contained in an organic bioavailable form, which guarantees its maximum absorption and active work in the body. It has long been known that iodine contained in plant foods is better absorbed by the thyroid gland than iodine in the form of potassium iodide preparation.

Iodine is an integral part of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes, physical and psycho-emotional state (8). Iodine supports the health of the nervous system and hormonal balance, helps strengthen hair, nails and teeth, helps to normalize weight and get rid of extra pounds. 1 capsule of Japanese Laminaria contains the optimal daily dose of iodine from seaweed – 1000 mcg.

Fiber :

gently cleanses the intestines, acting as a “natural broom”. This, in turn, improves the qualitative and quantitative composition of beneficial microbiota, our main organ of immunity.

Laminaria contains two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble.

The soluble part is fermented and “swells” in the gastrointestinal tract, creating a long feeling of satiety. For this, people who control their weight and appetite love her very much. In addition, soluble fiber lowers bad cholesterol and regulates blood sugar, which is especially important for patients with diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Insoluble fiber stimulates intestinal motility, prevents constipation (6) and accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body.

Alginates :

envelop the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, acting as “protectors” from damaging factors (increased acidity of gastric juice, spicy food, alcohol, etc.). Detecting damage, they start regeneration processes, contributing to rapid healing.

They remove excess “bad” cholesterol, poisons, heavy metals and slags from the body. As a result of cleansing the body, the level of radioresistance, that is, resistance to the perception of ionizing radiation, increases.

They activate phagocytosis, increasing the effectiveness of antiviral and antimicrobial reactions of the body. And at the same time, they adsorb an excessive amount of immune complexes in the blood, thereby preventing the development of inflammation and allergies (6).

They increase the barrier function of the skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory and digestive organs and also have an antitumor effect (7).

Amino acids :

are the building blocks that make up every cell in our body. Once in our body, amino acids are directed precisely to damaged and needy cells. It is from amino acids that our hormones are composed, which regulate the most important functions of the body! Also, amino acids are actively involved in the formation of other bioactive substances that regulate the functioning of all organs of our body, prevent inflammation and the development of such formidable diseases as arthritis, diabetes, etc.

Thanks to the results of a number of modern studies, it became known that the consumption of foods with amino acids helps not only burn excess fat, but also prevents the deposition and accumulation of abdominal fat, which forms around vital organs, causing them serious damage

Japanese kelp


Contraindications: nephritis, hemorrhagic syndrome, conditions in which iodine preparations are contraindicated.

Shelf life: 2 years. Store  at temperatures from 0 to 25º  C, relative air humidity not more than 80%



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