How to keep skin youthful? Anti-aging without injections and operations

How to keep skin youthful? Anti-aging without injections and operations

“My light, mirror, tell me” – who among us has not peered attentively into his reflection, noticing with chagrin the first wrinkles under the eyes and around the lips?

Alas, no one could avoid age-related changes, but aging can be slowed down. 

The methods are different: someone begins to absorb vitamins in handfuls to prolong youth, someone sits down on “beauty injections”, someone prefers “heavy artillery” and goes under the knife of a plastic surgeon. 

Which rejuvenation method to choose?

First, let’s find out what causes premature aging? 

Causes of skin aging

Skin is our natural armor. She is the first to take on aggressive external influences: rain, snow, dust, sunlight. Such defense does not pass without a trace, but skin cells are constantly updated, and the upper stratum corneum, which has worked out its own, is exfoliated.

Skin elasticity is provided by collagen. This fibrillar protein is the basis of the connective tissue of the body and a guarantee of the strength of our outer cover. 

  • Elastin fibers maintain the elasticity of the dermis, returning it to its original state after stretching and deformation. Sufficient amount of elastin = beautiful, smooth and youthful skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid attracts and holds water molecules, keeping the skin moisturized and looking fresh.
  • Fibroblasts are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, but with age, their number decreases – because of this, regeneration slows down. The first signs of aging appear: a network of fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes, dryness and a dull complexion.
  • In fact, the processes of wilting begin after 25 years – this is how nature works – but at first the body copes on its own. However, we tend to help nature: sunburn to blackness, “smoke of menthol cigarettes, drunken frenzy shakes”, chronic lack of sleep and stress, coupled with malnutrition – and hello, premature aging!     

How to stop time?

The good news is that it is possible (and necessary) to restore youthful skin and slow down the aging process, the main thing is to start on time. 

Let’s say right away: we are for non-surgical rejuvenation. No, we do not deny plastic surgery, with its help you can quickly lose 10 years. Unless, of course, the surgeon gets caught by God – otherwise you will have to wear a hat with a brim and dark glasses for the rest of your life.

Modern hardware techniques and “beauty injections” are an effective option that allows you to improve the condition of the dermis and smooth out wrinkles. Minus one, but very significant – the high cost of such procedures. Moreover, they must be repeated systematically.

In our opinion, the most effective way, which, moreover, will not hurt your wallet, is a comprehensive rejuvenation of the body without operations and injections. In the end, you will always have time to resort to the latter.

Why complex? It is not for nothing that the skin is called the mirror of health. It reflects any malfunctions in the work of internal organs and systems. For example, increased dryness of the skin indicates a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. Frequent rashes indicate that the body lacks vitamins A, B6, PP and iron, and the pallor of the skin and mucous membranes indicates a lack of vitamins A, B12, C, PP, biotin, folic acid, iron and zinc.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, especially those that have an antioxidant effect, is an inveterate enemy of youth.

By the way, the theory of free radicals is one of the most common versions of body aging.  

Free radicals are the culprits of premature aging

Free radicals are “wrong” oxygen molecules that have only one unpaired electron on the outer shell. Offended, they roam the body and attack oncoming molecules and cells, taking away the missing electron from them and making them similar to themselves. 

These vampires damage the lipid membrane of skin cells, destroy extracellular matrix fibers and weaken defense mechanisms. Have you seen how iron rusts or food rots? But these are the same oxidative processes that occur in the body, attacked by free radicals.

The result of oxidative stress is wrinkles and age spots, dull gray skin and ptosis, that is, loss of firmness and sagging of the skin. And that’s just the flowers! Berries are cellular mutations and the diseases caused by them, because these aggressors do not disdain DNA.

Moreover, free radicals also contribute to glycation – the process when collagen and elastin “taken under siege” by sugars become hard and incapable of regeneration. There is even such a thing as “glycoaging”, or the deposition of AGE products. “Candied” skin becomes loose, dull, and the face takes on a puffy appearance. And not only the skin is subject to glycation, but all proteins in the body.

What are antioxidants for?

Nature has taken care of the presence of an antioxidant system in the human body. But it wears out over time – or fails when the amount of free radicals goes off scale. 

Fortunately, there are vitamins and microelements that can tame active oxygen molecules. Antioxidants act like traps: they donate their electron to the “thief”, but they don’t become vampires, but simply redistribute their own electrons and remain stable.

Vitamins A, C and E, carotenoids (there are many in carrots, tomatoes and red peppers), bioflavonoids (rutin, kyercetin, resveratrol), tannins (hello, green tea!), trace elements selenium, zinc, manganese and copper, have such properties. some amino acids and enzymes.

Antioxidants are powerful weapons against cell aging. It is worth taking care that there are enough of them in your inner arsenal, and then youth and beauty will accompany you for a long time on the path of life.

It is clear that when asked to weigh “grams of 200 different antioxidants”, the seller in the store or the pharmacist in the pharmacy will look at you with bewilderment, but do not despair – now there are enough drugs on the market that include ingredients for rejuvenation.   

Let’s talk about one of them in more detail.

Extra Youth – beauty and health as a gift from the sea

And the representative of the sea is Dr. More, who produces this unique complex.

It contains 17 amino acids, 13 vitamins (including antioxidant vitamins A, E, C and “sunshine” vitamin D), trace elements iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chromium, carotenoids and naphthoquinones, phospholipids, including lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3. And all this wealth (and we have listed far from all useful nutrients) is due to sea urchin caviar, a powerful antioxidant that simply has no equal.

But this is not the only anti-aging component of the complex. The caviar company is made up of natural enterosorbent calcium alginate from brown seaweed kelp and wild rose – the record holder for the content of vitamin C, which, together with rutin (vitamin P), forms a C-complex with a pronounced anti-aging effect.

We especially recommend Extra Youth to “adult” women who already know what menopause is or are preparing for its arrival. It is this period that is accompanied by a sharp hormonal restructuring of the body, which is not the best way to affect the appearance and well-being.

The active components of our bioactive supplement will help maintain normal hormonal balance, because sea urchin caviar is also a source of female prohormones estrogen, prolactin, progesterone.

And these are not just words – the effectiveness of Extra Youth is confirmed by the results of clinical studies, and grateful reviews of ladies who have met a second youth with our drug come to Dr. More daily.

Are you wondering which way to get rid of wrinkles and protect against premature aging to choose? Start with Dr. More’s Extra Youth and then you won’t need injections or surgeries for many more years!

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